Speaking up at Work

Speaking up at Work

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Description de l'activité

Workers sometimes find themselves in work situations where they have to speak up for themselves. In this task the learner will read and reflect upon a fictional work scenario.

Matériels (en option):
  • Pen/pencil and paper (or computer if typing the answers)
  • ‘Taking Credit for Someone Else’s Work’ case scenario
  • To change this task into “Interact with Others” B1.2, you can have them discuss the answers in a group or with an instructor.  This can be done instead of writing the answers or as an extra after working independently.  The tasks can then lead to the learner being given a chance to revise their answers from thoughts within the discussions.  The discussions and potentially the re-writes would also represent “F. Engage with Others”
Voie de transition:
Source / Author:
Date d'ajout:
23 Juillet 2013
Date de mise à jour: 5 Avril 2022 - 11:48am

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