Making Money Calculations
Making Money Calculations
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Activity Description
Work through scenarios involving counting money.
Materials (optional):
- Pen/pencil and paper and/or digital device
- Calculator or digital device with calculator function
- Money (real or pretend) that includes both bills and cois and totals at least $30.00
Word File:
READYMakingMoneyCalculations_EI_B1.1_C1.1_practitionercopy.docx — Never downloaded

PDF - Practitioner's Version:
READYMakingMoneyCalculations_EI_B1.1_C1.1_practitionercopy.pdf — Never downloaded

Goal Path:
Employment, Independence
Competency: B. Communicate Ideas and Information
B1. Interact with others
B1.1 Participate in brief interactions to exchange information with one other person
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B1: Interact with others
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Participate in brief interactions to exchange information with one other person
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Conveys information on familiar topics
- Shows an awareness of factors such as social, linguistic, and cultural differences that affect interactions in brief exchanges with others
- Chooses appropriate language in exchanges with clearly defined purposes
- Participates in short, simple exchanges
- Gives short, straightforward instructions or directions
- Speaks or signs clearly in a focused and organized way
- Repeats or questions to confirm understanding
- Uses and interprets non-verbal cues (e.g. body language, facial expressions, gestures)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Involves one other person
- Is brief
- Addresses a familiar audience
- Contains concrete and familiar content
- Has a highly explicit purpose
- Is informal
Interaction Types:
- Exchange information
- Give instructions
- Provide directions
- State preferences
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B1.1
Competency: C. Understand and Use Numbers
C1. Manage money
C1.1 Compare costs and make simple calculations
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C1: Manage money
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Compare costs and make simple calculations
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers and decimals
- Recognizes values in number and word format
- Understands numerical order
- Begins to interpret integers, such as in a negative bank balance
- Identifies and performs required operation
- Interprets and represents costs using monetary symbols and decimals
- Follows apparent steps to reach solutions
- Rounds to the nearest dollar
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Has a concrete and familiar context
- May require one operation; operation is apparent
- May require the same operation to be performed more than once
- Requires up to a few steps to complete
- Has a set procedure
- May involve one simple document (e.g. grocery store flyer, list)
- Uses whole numbers and/or decimals
- Has a highly explicit purpose
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C1.1
Date Added:
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Updated date: Friday, February 28, 2025 - 13:36
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