Identify and schedule activities
Identify and schedule activities
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Activity Description
The learner will review a recreation timetable then identify and schedule activities.
Materials (optional):
•4 pages of the community centre schedule attached (In order to have the image print clearly, the schedule needs to be downloaded directly to PC and then printed off)
•Pen or pencil
•A weekly calendar may be helpful
Word File:
Identifyscheduleactivities_I_C2.3.doc — Never downloaded

PDF - Practitioner's Version:
Identifyscheduleactivities_I_C2.3.pdf — Never downloaded

Goal Path:
Competency: C. Understand and Use Numbers
C2. Manage time
C2.3 Find, integrate and analyze numerical information to make multi-step calculations using time
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C2: Manage time
Level: 3
At this level, learners: Find, integrate, and analyze numerical information to make multi-step calculations using time
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Calculates using numbers expressed as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages
- Manages unfamiliar elements (e.g. context, content) to complete tasks
- Makes estimates
- Chooses and performs required operations; makes inferences to identify required operations
- Selects appropriate steps to reach solutions from amongst options
- Identifies a variety of ways to complete tasks
- Finds, integrates, and analyzes numerical information
- Organizes and displays numerical information (e.g. Gantt chart, schedules)
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task may not be clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. context, content)
- Requires two or more operations; operations must be inferred
- Requires multiple steps to complete
- Has many options to complete; does not have a set procedure
- May involve documents (e.g. tables, schedules)
- May require converting between whole numbers, decimals, fractions, ratios, and percentages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C2.3
Date Added:
Friday, May 8, 2015
Updated date: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - 15:04
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