Assessing Computer Skills
Assessing Computer Skills
Many jobs require knowledge of computers and the internet. In this task the learner will assess their computer skills through an online test and determine whether they would benefit from computer skills upgrading.
- Computer with internet access
- A minimum of 30 minutes to take the test and review results.
A1. Read continuous text
Competency A: Find and use Information
Task group A1: Read continuous text
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Read brief texts to locate specific details
Performance Descriptors
(Please note that not all might apply)
The learner:
• Decodes words and makes meaning of sentences in a single text
• Reads short texts to locate a single piece of information
• Follows the sequence of events in straightforward chronological texts
• Follows simple, straightforward instructional texts
• Identifies the main idea in brief texts
• Requires support to identify sources and to evaluate and integrate information
Task Descriptors
(Please note that not all might apply)
• Scope of task is limited
• Involves one text
• Is up to one paragraph in length
• Contains common, familiar vocabulary
• Has a familiar context
• Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
• Has a highly explicit purpose
Text Types:
Instructional, descriptive, narrative, and brief informational texts
• Notes
• Simple directions
• Instructions
• Brief emails
• Simple narratives
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario - A1.1
A2. Interpret documents
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A2: Interpret documents
Level: 3
At this level, learners:
Interpret somewhat complex documents to connect, evaluate, and integrate information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Performs complex searches using multiple search criteria
- Manages unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic) to complete tasks
- Integrates several pieces of information from documents
- Compares or contrasts information between two or more documents
- Uses layout to locate information
- Identifies the purpose and relevance of documents
- Begins to recognize bias in displays, such as graphs
- Makes inferences and draws conclusions from information displays
- Identifies sources, evaluates and integrates information
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task may not be clearly defined
- May involve more than one document
- Uses a somewhat complex format
- Displays many categories of information
- Contains sub-headings or subparts
- Can vary in length
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- May contain specialized vocabulary
- Documents at this level may contain a paragraph or more of text
- Forms
- Tables
- Timelines
- Graphs
- Maps
- Flow charts
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – A2.3
Competency D: Use Digital Technology
Level: 3
At this level, learners: Experiment and problem-solve to perform multi-step digital tasks
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Experiments and problem- solves to achieve the desired results
- Manages unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic) to complete tasks
- Makes inferences to interpret icons and text
- Selects appropriate software when required by the task
- Identifies sources, evaluates and integrates information
- Customizes software interfaces (e.g. toolbar, homepage settings)
- Performs advanced searches (e.g. refines search terms, uses advanced search features, cross-refers between websites)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task may not be clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Requires multiple steps to complete
- Requires the use of a wide range of features and options
- Has many options to complete; may not have a set procedure
- Uses a somewhat complex format
- May contain extended text, icons, or both
- Text and icons required to complete tasks may require interpretation
- May contain distracting information
- May contain specialized vocabulary
- Interface offers a variety of options through menus
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – D.3
Competency E: Manage Learning
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Set short-term goals, begin to use limited learning strategies, and begin to monitor own learning
Performance Descriptors for the learner:
- Demonstrates positive attitude to learning
- Accepts positive feedback and constructive criticism
- Recognizes and expresses when one does not know something
- Accepts new learning challenges
- Willing to work independently
- Takes responsibility for learning
- Takes initiative
- Takes risks in learning situations
- Manages time (e.g. makes realistic estimates about time, meets deadlines, completes activities and tasks in a logical order)
- Attends class regularly and punctually
- Checks accuracy of work
Goal Setting:
The learner:
- Sets short-term goals
- Identifies steps required to achieve goals
- Begins to monitor progress towards achieving goals
- Begins to identify barriers to achieving goals
Learning Strategies:
The learner:
- Begins to use a limited number of learning strategies (e.g. follows instructions, takes literal notes, highlights or underlines key information, uses a calendar or agenda)
- Begins to identify ways to remember information and reinforce learning (e.g. reviewing notes)
- Creates “to do” lists to keep organized
Monitoring Learning:
The learner:
- Begins to monitor own learning
- Identifies preferred learning style
- Identifies one source of information (e.g. text, document, classmate, co-worker) to complete tasks
- Uses feedback to improve performance
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – E.1