Exploration du métier en plomberie
Exploration du métier en plomberie
Les apprenants feront de la lecture concernant ce métier et ensuite ils essayeront quelques compétences en plomberie.
•Feuillet d’instructions
•Prospectus “Au travail avec un plombier”
•Prospectus “Avez-vous les compétences essentielles pour devenir plombier?”
•Stylo ou crayon et accès à l’internet
A1. Read continuous text
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A1: Read continuous text
Level: 3
At this level, learners: Read longer texts to connect, evaluate, and integrate ideas and information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Integrates several pieces of information from texts
- Manages unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic) to complete tasks
- Identifies the purpose and relevance of texts
- Skims to get the gist of longer texts
- Begins to recognize bias and points of view in texts
- Infers meaning which is not explicit in texts
- Compares or contrasts information between two or more texts
- Uses organizational features, such as headings, to locate information
- Follows the main events of descriptive, narrative, informational, and persuasive texts
- Obtains information from detailed reading
- Makes meaning of short, creative texts (e.g. poems, short stories)
- Identifies sources, evaluates and integrates information
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task may not be clearly defined
- May involve more than one text
- Is typically longer than one paragraph
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- May contain specialized vocabulary
Text types:
instructional, descriptive, narrative, informational, and persuasive texts
• Newspaper articles
• Textbook entries
• Newsletter articles
• Short creative texts
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario - A1.3
A2. Interpret documents
Competency A: Find and Use Information
Task Group A2: Interpret documents
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Interpret simple documents to locate and connect information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Performs limited searches using one or two search criteria
- Extracts information from tables and forms
- Locates information in simple graphs and maps
- Uses layout to locate information
- Makes connections between parts of documents
- Makes low-level inferences
- Begins to identify sources and evaluate information
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- Involves one document
- Uses a simple format
- Displays a limited amount of information
- Is typically up to one page in length
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Documents at this level may contain a paragraph or more of text
- Forms
- Tables
- Simple graphs
- Street maps
- Simple flow charts
- Floor plans
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – A2.2
B2. Write continuous text
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B2: Write continuous text
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Write brief texts to convey simple ideas and factual information
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Writes simple texts to request, remind, or inform
- Conveys simple ideas and factual information
- Demonstrates a limited understanding of sequence
- Uses sentence structure, upper and lower case, and basic punctuation
- Uses highly familiar vocabulary
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Addresses concrete, day-to-day topics
- Addresses a small, familiar audience
- Is informal
- Is up to a paragraph in length
- Has a familiar context
- Has a highly explicit purpose
Text types:
instructional, descriptive, narrative, and brief informational texts
- Notes
- Brief emails
- Directions
- Instructions
- Text messages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B2.1
C1. Manage money
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C1: Manage money
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Compare costs and make simple calculations
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers and decimals
- Recognizes values in number and word format
- Understands numerical order
- Begins to interpret integers, such as in a negative bank balance
- Identifies and performs required operation
- Interprets and represents costs using monetary symbols and decimals
- Follows apparent steps to reach solutions
- Rounds to the nearest dollar
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Has a concrete and familiar context
- May require one operation; operation is apparent
- May require the same operation to be performed more than once
- Requires up to a few steps to complete
- Has a set procedure
- May involve one simple document (e.g. grocery store flyer, list)
- Uses whole numbers and/or decimals
- Has a highly explicit purpose
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C1.1
C2. Manage time
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C2: Manage time
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Measure time and make simple comparisons and calculations
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers and decimals
- Recognizes values in number and word format
- Understands chronological order
- Understands and uses common date formats
- Reads time on analog and digital clocks
- Identifies and performs required operation
- Represents dates and times using standard conventions
- Measures time using common instruments, such as clocks, timers, and stopwatches
- Chooses appropriate units of measurement (e.g. hours, minutes, seconds)
- Interprets and represents time using whole numbers, decimals (e.g. .25, .5), and simple, common fractions (e.g. ½, ¼ hour)
- Follows apparent steps to reach solutions
- Rounds to nearest minute or hour
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Has a concrete and familiar context
- May require one operation; operation is apparent
- May require the same operation to be performed more than once
- Requires up to a few steps to complete
- Has a set procedure
- May involve one simple document (e.g. product label, appointment card)
- Has a highly explicit purpose
- Uses whole numbers and/or simple common fractions or decimals
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C2.1
C3. Use measures
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C3: Use measures
Level: 1
At this level, learners: Measure and make simple comparisons and calculations
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Adds and subtracts whole number measurements
- Recognizes values in number and word format
- Recognizes simple, common shapes (e.g. circle, square, rectangle, triangle)
- Measures distance, length, width, height, weight, liquid volume, angles, and temperature
- Uses common measuring tools, such as rulers, scales, and thermometers
- Understands numerical order
- Makes simple estimates
- Begins to interpret integers (e.g. temperature, elevation)
- Chooses appropriate units of measurement (e.g. centimetres, metres, kilometres)
- Uses common standard units (e.g. metres, inches) and non-standard units (e.g. paces, cupfuls, scoops)
- Identifies and performs required operation
- Interprets and represents measures using whole numbers, decimals, and simple, common fractions (e.g. ½, ¼)
- Interprets and represents measures using symbols and abbreviations (e.g. inches as “, centimetres as cm, pounds as lbs, kilograms as kilos or kg)
- Follows apparent steps to reach solutions
- Rounds to the nearest whole unit (e.g. kilos)
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is limited
- Has a concrete and familiar context
- May require adding or subtracting measurements; operation is apparent
- May require the same operation to be performed more than once
- Requires up to a few steps to complete
- Has a set procedure
- Uses common units of measurement within the same system
- May involve one simple document, such as an office supply flyer
- Has a highly explicit purpose
- Uses whole numbers and/or simple common fractions or decimals
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C3.1
Competency D: Use Digital Technology
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Perform well-defined, multi-step digital tasks
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Selects and follows appropriate steps to complete tasks
- Locates and recognizes functions and commands
- Makes low-level inferences to interpret icons and text
- Begins to identify sources and evaluate information
- Performs simple searches using keywords (e.g. Internet, software help menu)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Requires multiple steps to complete
- Requires the use of a limited range of features and options
- May be completed in more than one way; each way has a set procedure
- Uses a simple format
- Contains text, icons, or both
- Text and icons required to complete tasks are easy to interpret
- May contain distracting information
- Interface offers a variety of options through menus
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – D.2