Cadeaux présentés dans des pots
Cadeaux présentés dans des pots
Les personnes apprenantes doivent modifier les quantités de façon à doubler, tripler ou quadrupler une recette.
- Article Mon Journal (Noël 2012) : Cadeaux présentés dans des pots
- Ordinateur
- Internet
- Cahier de travail personnel

B3. Complete and create documents
Competency B: Communicate Ideas and Information
Task Group B3: Complete and create documents
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Use layout to determine where to make entries in simple documents
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- May draw on additional simple sources, such as a list
To complete documents, the learner:
- Uses layout to determine where to make entries
- Begins to make some inferences to decide what information is needed, where and how to enter the information
- Makes entries using a limited range of vocabulary
- Follows instructions on documents
To create documents, the learner:
- Follows conventions to display information in simple documents (e.g. use of font, colour, shading, bulleted lists)
- Sorts entries into categories
- Displays one or two categories of information organized according to content to be presented
- Identifies parts of documents using titles, row and column headings, and labels
Task Indicators
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- Involves one document up to two pages in length
- Has a simple format
- Requires multiple entries
- May contain entry fields that are not clearly labeled
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. vocabulary, context, topic)
- Documents at this level may require entering a paragraph or more of text
- Forms
- Tables
- Hand-drawn maps
- Floor plans
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – B3.2
C3. Use measures
Competency C: Understand and Use Numbers
Task Group C3: Use measures
Level: 2
At this level, learners: Use measures to make one-step calculations
Performance Descriptors
The learner:
- Calculates using numbers expressed as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, and integers
- Calculates angles in simple, common shapes
- Makes estimates
- Understands and uses ratio and proportion
- Interprets and represents area and volume using symbols and abbreviations (e.g. m3 )
- Interprets and applies rates (e.g. km/hr, km/l) and ratios (e.g. map scales)
- Converts units of measurement within the same system and between systems
- Understands and uses formulas for finding the perimeter, area, and volume of simple, common shapes
- Chooses and performs required operation(s); may make inferences to identify required operation(s)
- Selects appropriate steps to solutions
- Interprets, represents, and converts measures using whole numbers, decimals, percentages, ratios, and simple, common fractions (e.g. ½, ¼)
- Uses strategies to check accuracy (e.g. estimating, using a calculator, repeating a calculation, using the reverse operation)
Task Descriptors
- Scope of task is clearly defined
- May include unfamiliar elements (e.g. context, content)
- Requires the use of rates or common formulas
- Requires one-step calculations, which may be repeated; operations are easily inferred
- May be completed in more than one way
- May involve one document, such as a simple conversion table
- May require converting between whole numbers, decimals, fractions, ratios, and percentages
Embedded Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes Reference Guide for Ontario – C3.2